Determining the appropriate approaches and procedures to gain sufficient results is a vital issue that is faced by the majority of researchers. Each type of research can have several methodologies that can be applied. Yet, one approach might lead to concluding more effective outcomes. 'us, designing the research and applying appropriate methods and techniques are the key aim of this experiment. Combining the research onion framework with an advanced Internet of 'ings- (IoT-) enabled mobile app solution within the real world is the foundation of this research. 'e framework has six main layers, starting with philosophy and ending with techniques and procedures. 'is research begins by providing a brief introduction in regard to the selected framework. 'en, it provides a comprehensive explanation regarding each of the framework layers and justifying the chosen element within each layer combining with the advanced IoT-enabled mobile app for this research study. Later, it highlights the challenges that can be faced while using such a framework.